Growing up in Cameroon, I have always been busy: I studied, got my degree and then started a business.

As my business prospered, I moved to the west of the country, where my family and I were targeted by armed paramilitary groups.

I managed to escape to Nigeria and after more than a year on the road, I arrived in a new country. There I lived for months in a tent in the overcrowded reception centre. After everything I had experienced, I felt like a lost man. We took the decision to leave and start the difficult journey to a new life.

I spent most of my time alone, cut off from everyone, inside the reception camp. Until I reached out to the humanitarian organizations active in the camp and a psychologist who helped me to feel better slowly and overcome my trauma. Now I want to become active in the community again and felt the need to do something to improve the services provided in the camp.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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