My name is Ruhul and I am from Bangladesh. I love trees because they provide us with oxygen and food.

We stay alive thanks to oxygen. I love water; in our culture ‘water’ is another meaning for life. Water is really important. All the way from Libya, in the middle of the sea, I suffered a lot from water; we soon ran out of water and we were really thirsty. The journey to Italy was hard. I fought for water like any other on the boat. For this reason, I will never forget how important it is. In Bangladesh, water was not a problem. In Bangladesh trees are considered a blessing. We say “planting trees saves the environment”.

Trees are so important that I would like to tell everyone to plant more and more trees. Trees and water are very important in our life. Since I am in Italy now, I will definitely try to plant trees if I ever get the chance. Since I had to fight to get some water to survive, I know how precious it is. I will try to let everyone know how important it is. I have not turned 18 yet but this is the message I want to share with you.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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